
Cosmic Kitties by CKD

Created by Cosmic Kristen Designs

A collection of tiny fluffy kitties looking into the heavens dreaming of what they can explore.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

RP Day 3: The Eclipse Road trip
6 months ago – Wed, Apr 03, 2024 at 08:36:08 PM

The trip to Niagara Falls is about 8 hours from the Boston Harbor, where our kitties call home. The weather for the drive is calling for several inches of snow, but the eclipse day is looking clear! If Stella had known that this new home could get snow in April she'd have fought her parents more about moving....but alas. No one told her. Hazelnut is preoccupied in the back seat, watching her snack go back and forth in it's bowl. It isnt time yet to eat for now it will provide entertainment. Kirk is excitedly documenting each street sign they pass, he has never left the house without mom and dad before - this is a big occasion!!!

Not long passes and Stella slams the breaks and takes a sudden left turn. The catnip tracker has picked up on something out of the ordinary! Not five minutes down the road and a little green cat pops out of the bushes, grooving to his MP3 Player. Stella pulls over and their best friend Comet hops in the back of the car with Hazel!

"Hand me the aux cord, lets get this road trip party started!"

What Playlist Does Comet Start?


Who's Comet???

Head on over to George's campaign to see more about this cutie and bring them home. Comet will be compatible with my magnetic toppers - including the two unreleased designs I have in the works, one of which is 20 backers away from being released! Don't forget if you back both of us you get TWO free pins. *International folks feel free to reach out to me directly and we can arrange a combined package to save on shipping.* 


I will be on a bit of my own adventure for my birthday Tomorrow - Saturday and then our own eclipse chase road trip Sunday-Tuesday. If you need anything don't hesitate to reach out to my email [email protected] I just may reply slowly or not until I am home! 

RP Day 2: The Eclipse Road Trip
6 months ago – Mon, Apr 01, 2024 at 05:04:15 PM

Stella hops into the drivers seat, clearly she is the most mature and must take on the hardest road trip job. Kirk already buckled in and has has camera lens stuck out the window - even though all he can see is the driveway. Hazel is sprawled across the back seat belly up. Stella hisses at her to buckle in or she'll be left home.

Stella sets the catnip tracker on their destination, adjusts her seat and carefully pulls out of the driveway. Hopefully they didn't forget anything important - at least cats don't wear pants. 

 Where are the kitties traveling for the eclipse?
Cat Tax

RP Day 1: The Eclipse Roadtrip
6 months ago – Sat, Mar 30, 2024 at 10:41:52 AM

Day 1: 

It is finally happening, today is the day our adventure begins. Stella, Kirk and Hazel are headed out to find totality. Stella's packed the car full of safety gear, like ISO certified protective lenses. Kirk packed his camera gear including his solar tracking mount and protective filter. Hazel on the other hand, packed a blanket for the trip and snacks. She is not even sure where they are going so, she might as well be prepared.

Who is diving the car?


In the comments I'd love some suggestions for where in the path of totality our kittens are adventuring to, and where are they starting from?


Not finished yet, but INTRODUCING: Snack Cat! To come, a matching snacks magnet becauase any good cat roadtrip has plenty of fish.

***Celebration time**** All current stretch goals are funded!
6 months ago – Fri, Mar 29, 2024 at 12:35:07 PM

Yesterday we funded our Eclipse, Sunset and Constellations Kitties as well as our Star Gazer and her solar eclipse glasses. Today, we have officially funded our astrophotography cat! Did you know, today is Stella's Gotcha day? We adopted her 6 years ago, what a great celebration.

We've also surpassed my goal of 35 backers and all pins will be upgraded to include some fun glow in the dark rubber moon backs.

I am working on some ideas for another unlock if we reach a goal of 2k so...stay tuned to meet her as our adventure to totality begins tomorrow!

Don't forget to check out my partners campagin and take home your very own Comet freebie pin.

I also want to give a little shout out for my other favorite campaigns - if you back them before 1 pm EST tomorrow you may qualify for some early bird freebies! Click their banners to be magically transported to their campaign, or right click to open in a new tab.

We are Live! Pintopia 2024.
6 months ago – Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 12:27:33 PM

Hello Friends, Fellow Cats, Aliens....and those who have yet to make up their mind. 

We are **LIVE** and so ready to celebrate the solar eclipse with you. usual...have a ridiculous back story for this campaign and I look forward to sharing it with you! I am going to run with it as a choose your adventure leading up to the eclipse, and I am excited for your input. Who knows what Stella and Kirk will find on their adventure to totality. (Probably not dragons or monsters - if you want those you'll have to wait for Catplay part 2 ☺️)