
Cosmic Kitties by CKD

Created by Cosmic Kristen Designs

A collection of tiny fluffy kitties looking into the heavens dreaming of what they can explore.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Molds, Moons and FanExpo Boston!
3 months ago – Sat, Jun 08, 2024 at 05:26:07 PM

Next weekend we'll be at Fan Expo Boston! Come show us you backed any of my previous campaigns for 10% off your entire booth purchase.

Here's an update of molds for the main magnets and cats - ready to be injected! You can see where the pin posts and the holes for the inset magnets will be. 

AND some pictures of our glowing cheese cat in process and our finished mini moon cats. More to come. Keep an eye on George's campaign for updates on Alien cats and Lil Guy once we get them! 

Updates! Legs and Cheese.
4 months ago – Fri, May 24, 2024 at 09:35:38 PM

Hello Friends!

I have a few updates for you all - the magnets on these are proving to be a tinnnnyyy bit complicated so getting them all proofed and ready to go is taking a bit (we've been working since may 9th *cries*). During that process I noticed a silly mistake in Kirk! I wanted to make everyone aware that the foot has changed slightly to not be attached to Kirk's paw, but rather where it should be attached to his booty.

Great news though - the non-magnetic pins will be starting production this coming week to get things moving!

I've also added a *new* 1.25" pin to add-ons featuring the chubbiest lil cat ever Dinkles and his ball of moon cheese!  I'm putting him at a pre-sale price of $13 he is slightly larger than your freebie moon kitty and his cheese GLOWS IN THE DARK!!! You can get back to your survey by requesting an email link here from there you can navigate to the enamel pins section of the add-on store!

P.S. As a quick reminder if you ever need to reach me directly I'm just an email away! [email protected] 

Northern Lights Kitty - Survey Reminder - Sale
4 months ago – Mon, May 13, 2024 at 06:55:24 AM

Hello Friends!

~76% of the surveys are completed! Right around 80% is where I'm comfortable with finalizing counts on manufacturing. Currently, my manufacturer is working through the proofing process for myself and George's pins - which is an important step pre-production. We'll share those updates as we get them!

Unrelated to this weekends excitement, you may have noted that a new kitty joined the ranks! The Northern Lights Cat. They are available as an add-on in your survey or a free standing pledge from the pre-order shop if you haven't backed! I worked on the backer card design and a future art print over the weekend and there was enough interest to unlock them already!

Finally, I'm doing some spring cleaning on my website to make room for these cuties! Use the code SPRING2024 for 25% off orders $70 or more now through Wednesday! 

Pre-orders, surveys, smoke tests OH MY.
5 months ago – Sun, May 05, 2024 at 10:56:31 PM

Happy Monday! I expect to have surveys out midweek for all of you. Smoke tests will be going out as soon as later today. Please fill those out as soon as possible so we can get an estimate for manufacturing counts! George and I are planning to order by the middle of the month, but can only do so with ~70% of surveys filled out.

My surveys will not charge until pins are shipping to me - this will be a charge for your shipping and any of your add-ons. Due to the quantity of pins we are ordering and the complexity of the magnets I fully expect this to be late July or early August! This means, feel free to shop to your July budgets content.

For anyone who missed the campaign, the pre-order store is *Open!* once pins are in hand the prices will increase. Your orders will merge in with the survey orders and you'll be charged at the same time (so late July/early August). Hopefully this allows everyone a little more flexibility without the pintopia crunch!

For your viewing pleasure: Here's a fun mock-up of our magnetic friends!

We did it! What's next?
5 months ago – Mon, Apr 22, 2024 at 06:31:15 AM

Hello friends!

We did it! We've funded so many cats, so many space nerd pins and TINY LIL MAGNETS/PINS. I haven't been so excited about a pin campaign since My Sky back in 2022.

I'm hoping your pintopia campaign emails have slowed down a bit so this isn't coming as a massive blob of emails to your inbox.

What's next?

Backerkit is currently sending out please fix your card emails to anyone who's card has declined. If you miss this correction your survey will still arrive and you can correct your card there.

For everyone's wallet sanity, the charge to your card for any extra purchases and shipping in the pledge manager will not occur until closer to shipping, which I expect later this summer. July/August. (tbd date specifics as this is going to be a massive order!)

In about 10 more days, backerkit will port all of you lovely folks into what is called the pledge manager. This is where I can set up the survey to collect addresses and pin selections from you all.  Because of the way the pledge manager works, I won't start working too hard on surveys until then. Once I do, I'll give you all a little preview and how to!

If you missed the campaign, a preorder store will go live with the survey. Preorders will included paid add-ons for things like the freebie pin from the campaign, but there will be no automatic perks as those were campaign exclusives!

International Backers:

For my lovely EU/UK backers, I will have an excessive complementary credit loaded into your backer account so you can add whatever you'd like to your cart and you will not be charged. From there I'll make sure you have the correct tier discounts and set-up a custom etsy listing for you to collect payment! This payment will be due around June. For anyone that has also backed George, we can combine your order into one listing! 

For any international backer that has backed my campaign and my partner George's campaign, you will have an extra option of combined shipping to save a little bit! Keep in mind if you're ordering a lot from the second campaign your shipping may increase to add the weight of additional pins.